Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic

Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic -
Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic -
Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic - Design monastery and realisation – Intermedica Hair Clinic -

It used to be a monastery..

WSB Interieurbouw Intermedica zorgkliniek dermatholoog

Now it is a clinic for dermathology. >>

WSB Interieurbouw zorgkliniek kliniek

Around 70% of the male population and 40% of the female population will at some stage in their lives experience hairloss and baldness, varying from thinning of scalp hair and bald patches to complete baldness. If the number and quality of hairs on your scalp is progressively declining and you are looking for ways to prevent further hairloss, we suggest a consultation with specialists and dermatologists at the Intermedica Hair Clinic. They have special expertise and experience in evidence-based methods of treating hair diseases and hairloss.

3D Ontwerp WSB Interieurbouw Kliniek Dermatoloog in oud klooster 02

Design and turn key realisation of the Intermedica Concept by WSB!!

Get inspired? Call WSB: +31 33 2771714


  • Location Boxmeer
  • Time 2 weeks
  • Size Concept Monastery
  • Delivery 2014
  • Design WSB
  • Development WSB
  • Branche Beauty salon

More information?

"WSB came up with very unexpected designs. Very lovely, a great fit to the old style of our building, and highly effective. Agreements were promptly fulfilled.`

Review by Intermedica

The projects in the Beauty salon category are rated by our customers with a 9.1 out of 10 with 98 reviews. and the price varies from 1000,00 to 25000,00.

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