1Residential house furnishing | Amsterdam (NL)
2Nilson Beds | Amersfoort (NL)
3Karsten Woninginrichting | Den Helder
4Villa custom interior | Eindhoven (NL)
Frank: "It was so much fun to work with WSB. Pity we could not have the shop renovated by WSB every month. From the first phone call on, everything went so smoothly. Agreements were fulfilled, no delays, no rescheduling. The finishing was really dotting the i’s, without any extra cost.…
Review design jewellery HellinxHellinx Jewellery Design
5De Vries Sleep Comfort and Home Interiors | Shop Interior
6Design interior and exterior Villa
7905 m2 Van Ravenhorst | Stoutenburg (NL)
8Mauer | Bochum
9Nijland Makelaars & HypoTakeCare | Bilthoven (NL)
10Easy Living | Amsterdam (NL)
11COMO Fashion Code 07 | Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BE)
12Interior tailor made Goes
13Showroom design de Korte by WSBDESIGN.COM
14Sinke Makelaars – Interiorconcept for Office