Hip shop
Press release “LOOK by KOOL made a splash as a vibrant, innovative store concept. The vintage look and feel and the wonderful collection enchants their younger target group. Jeroen van Esdonk is still going strong, opening his new hip shop in February. Starting point: Powerful identity of own brand, with additional brands such as Dick Moby, Nyna & Max, Dita, Bute & Bruce.The instructions issued to the WSBDESIGN.COMers: design an extra optical concept for me in the adjacent building, for target group age 20 to 40. Keep the cost low and the spectacle grand. Nico Schreuder’s advice was: do not do any demolition work in the current situation. Leave the stripped building in the current vintage ambiance. Add a spectacles presentation in a smart balance, add the necessary items, and you will have a great ambiance. In close collaboration with Jeroen, an amazing result was achieved, and the customers raved about it. Look, shiver, enjoy, and call WSB for commercial shop experiences on +31 33 2771714, or check out the WSB website.
First and foremost, admiring, fitting and buying a frame is very much fun. Spectacles have a major impact on the styling of your customers. Your customers want perfect service and are well aware of standards. They seamlessly switch between standard items and true experience. The latter is a key issue in the current shopping street!

Store experience at the optician
Are you looking for a more powerful in-store experience? Please call WSB’s retail designers on +31 33 2771 714 for an inspiring brainstorm session. Alternatively, click here to see more designs of optician store interiors. The WSB retail designers work for passionate entrepreneurs in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
- Location Rotterdam
- Time 2 weken
- Size 80 m2
- Delivery Turn key
- Design WSB Retail design
- Development WSB Shopfitting
- Branche Optician
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